Songart™ 37

By The Pine Needle Man™

Songart™ 37

The Water and the Woods At Twilight

Play full 10:00 sec. EP song here…

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The Wonder of Nature’s Feasts

Songart™ No. 37 is available as an EP (extended play) song on iTunes. This free flowing live performance is designed to inspire a meditative space within the stillness of your soul and spirit. A vocal and piano performance backed by subtle synth/string arrangements add a sense of wonder and beauty to the song. 

A series of artworks and a Multi-Touch book to be published on iBooks have both been inspired by the song. Are you ready to encounter the Pretty Lady of your deepest desires? As a companion in your most personal and private moments?

The Water and the Woods At Twilight, from The Pine Needle Man™.

Song Inspires New Multi-Touch iBook

Songart™ No. 37 (The Water and the Woods At Twilight) will soon be available on iBooks. This 82-page Multi-Touch book, follows the lyrics from the song, and also includes a series of original artworks with multiple features to encourage your connection to the bounty of Nature's feasts. Searching for the appearance of beauty in the natural world around you, encourages a recognition of the subtle changes within your own innate nature, deep within. 

Allow Songart™ 37 to become a values based conversation, as you consider how the spiritual aspects of nature apply to personal choices you make for daily living. Catapult your journey to new plateaus and to a higher, more complete sense of well-being.


  • 10:00 sec. EP song

  • Made for iBooks

  • 11 Original Artworks

  • Personal Growth Tutuorial

  • Designed for iPad & iPhone

  •  Posters, Cards, and more

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